Theres NO Right or Wrong Way when it comes to Creativity

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Hyden Retreat

LIS CASEY Class-Schools Out

Lis Casey Class-Out and About

Sharon Manning Class-Sunrise/Sunset

Gail Smith Class-Cricut Class

Myself Linda and my mum (Sharon) once again went to the retreat which was well worth it yet again we had loads of fun renewed old acquaintencnces and learnt alot of diffrent techniques with The Cricut, Cuttlebug and the trusty sewing machine. So here they are the finished products

which look great, thanks to all our tutors Gayle Smith, Sharon Manning and Lis Cassey and of course the oraganiser Karen Smith without her dedication and passion these things would not be possible. THANKS TO ALL

1 comment:

Gayle said...

Great layouts Kylie!