Theres NO Right or Wrong Way when it comes to Creativity

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

"Way 2 Go"

I found this poem about the 'instant gratification of housework' and decided to include it onto a scrap page!
I photographed the washing basket as what really makes be smile is when I put the laundry basket in the bathroom and my family actually puts their clothes in it!No walking around picking up dirty clothes!
WOW!!! Way to go, family !


Was looking through my scrap album today and found this layout I did of my husband at little while ago. The layout was created onto "Sweetwater" paper and has a white and red zigzag pattern running through it. It is a simple layout with little descriptive tags that have also been zigzagged and attached with brads.
Quite like it!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Comment from Linda re Grandparents Book

WOW Kylie! I love the way the book has turned out. Love the colours and eye-catching!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Grandparents Story

I Finally finished.............
I recently started this book as a birthday present for my mother in law I have called it the "Grandparents Story" and have filled it with pictures of the grandkids with a heap of little quotes about grandkids and grandparents. Really pleased with the results and I'm sure she will love it.

I did this layout at the recent Hyden Retreat using the Rule of Thirds taught to us by Alli Paterson . It was quick simple but very effective.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

My Grand Kids

Page is of my two beautiful grandkids, Ella and Charlie.
Simple layout but nice and bright.

Year 11 School Ball

I like the colours I choose to compliment the girls
Ball Dresses.
I think I am getting better.

Fraser Range Layout

This is one of my very first scrapbooking pages, as I'm very new to scrapbooking! These photos are of Fraser Range homestead.

A Girly Layout

This double layout of the girls in the Styles Family I created at National Scrapbooking Day last
October at a TLC scrap day in Esperance. I like the way it came together, using girly colours(I only have boys, so was a change from masculine colours). The photos are of us from left - Mischa my gorgous granddaughter, myself with Mischa, her Mum Asha(daughter in law) with her,and Suzie(daughter in law) giving Mischa a cuddle.

Linda's Solitude Layout

I think I've worked it out to upload my layouts myself. Thanks Kylie!!!
This layout is one from the Hyden Retreat that I quiet like. It is one that Sharron Manning taught us.
The photo is of Daniel on one of his first trips out on his boat last October, down at the Duke of Orlean's Bay.

Friday, April 25, 2008

I did last

I woke up this morning with a fairly free itinery well free for me anyway and with Matthew requesting to take the kids early I thought I would get some scrapping done for sure but somehow my day disappeared and before I knew it it was dark outside and I hadn't even looked at my scrapbooking. I had a shower and was headed for bed when I decided I was doing a page and that was that. I sat totally uninspired looking at the papers I bought yesterday and then it hit me Shannyns' merit certificate so here it is and I'm off to bed content.

Retreat photo - Off The Page frames!

Still practising to use our blogspot. Kylie came today and has helped me do this, hopefully I'll be able to work it out myself.

Photo taken at the recent Hyden Retreat of Sharon, Belinda and Kylie.

Hope to scrapbook this and other photos taken at retreat soon.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

but wait there's more

I cut Darcy's hair last night, I can't get over how much older he looks, this photo and the ones on the "Noodles" page are only taken days apart, this page kind of just fell together.

At Stitch Today

While down at the hall scrapping with the girls today I completed these two layouts of Darcy. I finally used that spaghetti print paper that I thought I would never use.

Two more layouts from Linda

The first is of my granddaughter Mischa at a football match in Dunsborough, sitting at the steering wheel, while watching her daddy play footie.
The second is of Micha at Christmas 2007 eating some celery. The canvas was created at a recent evening T.L.C. scrap class

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A random layout

I found these photos in Rachelles' schoolbag and decided to scrap them before they got lost or ruined

Some layouts since Hyden

I just remembered I did this layout using the rule of thirds. I think it looks good.
Great to see you are all working out how to use the site its good, Kylie your layouts look great. Girls if you are having trouble logging in it might be because one of us might already be online

Just a Beginner But definintley getting better

These are some pages I have done recently I haven't been Scrappin for long, but have been fortunate enough to be a part of our little circle of scrappers, just meeting like we do has taught me alot and given me so much inspiration When you think it's impossible and you think that you cant it is amazing what can be done when you set your mind to it .

Monday, April 21, 2008

A layout from Dee

Layout learnt at Hyden Retreat.

Two layouts from Linda

Some photos sent to me from my dad Bob of his recent bushwalking adventure with my brother Andrew, through a a part of Tasmania. This layout is based on the design 'rule of thirds' taught to me by Alli Paterson at the recent Hyden scrapbooking retreat!
Took some photos of the present condition of our paddocks on our farm at Condingup and scrapped them. Cattle were excited to see their daily rations of hay!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Explosion boxes

At the recent retreat in Hyden which all the girls from our scrapping group attended we learnt to make explosion boxes, since I have got home I have made one for each of my kids. My favourite is the one I made of my sisters wedding.

Wedding Box

Hi All

A group of girlfriends and I that scrap regularly have decided to start a blogspot of our own so we can share some of the layouts that we create.